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Smart Suite Workpapers

33 articles
Install Smart workpapers Add-in for MYOB Document Manager UsersThis article explains how to install the Smart Workpaper add-in for MYOB Document Manager Users
Deploying the Smart Workpaper Add-in for all Users in a Terminal ServerThis guide outlines the steps required to install the Smart Workpapers Add-In in a Terminal Server environment.
Smart Workpaper Add-In InstallationThis guide provides a step-by-step user guide for downloading, installing, and troubleshooting the Smart Workpapers Add-in
Smart Workpapers WebsiteThe Smart Suite Workpapers website can be accessed here. The website is a central repository of all available connected and...
Connected Workpapers - Automated Data PopulationSeveral of our Business Fitness templates are able to be prepopulated from the client's original data file. It is also possible to...
Connected Workpapers - Excel Add-InWARNING: To ensure that the Smart Suite Workpapers work correctly, you will need to insure that you have installed the Workpapers...
Generating an IndexThe generate index feature will generate a list of all available worksheets into the Index sheet of the starter file. Note: The...
Home SheetThe Home sheet is an important part of the starter files, it contains a lot of client specific information that is used throughout...
Importing Opening BalancesThe import process Where you have used Smart Workpapers in the prior year, you have the ability to rollover those worksheets. The...
Index SheetThe Index sheet acts as a summary for the entire workbook to allow for easy navigation and reviewing. This article will look at...
Workpaper ItemsDisclaimer and Important Information: The Workpaper Items are the only information submitted to the Workpapers website from within the...
Workpapers Excel Add-inWARNING: To ensure that the Smart Suite Workpapers work correctly, you will need to insure that you have installed the Workpapers...
Loan Repayment CalculatorThe Loan Repayment Calculator is a starter designed to calculate the interest rate and interest for the year, as well as the current...
Salary SacrificeGeneral information Proper operation of a salary packaging system requires more than simply using these workpapers to calculate the...
Tax PlanningThe Tax Planning starter is designed to flow through the different sections to result in a final report that can be used to compare...
Creating a Customised Worksheet
Template Formulae and Coded ActionsOne of the benefits of using Smart Workpapers are the many features that can be added using formulae and coded actions specific to...
Uploading a Customised WorksheetOnce you have customised your own firm template, you will need to upload it to the relevant area. For more information on how to create...
Uploading a Customised Starter FileEditing a starter To customise a starter file, we recommend downloading the relevant starter file from the Smart Suite Workpapers...
How To Troubleshoot formula #N/A or #NAME? errors in Smart workpapersA guide for Users to troubleshoot #N/A or #Name? errors in cells within Smart workpapers.
How to troubleshoot: ArgumentException Error in Smart WorkpapersIssue: Users may see the following error while refreshing the trial balance in Smart Workpapers: "ArgumentException: There is...
I Can't Login to Smart WorkpapersPROBLEM: I am trying to login to the Smart Workpapers website and I get one of these error messages: The email and password you...
Incorrect Worksheets DownloadingIf a worksheet is downloading with incorrect rates (e.g. the fuel tax credit rate being used is from a different period), please ensure...
Transitioning from Smart to Active WorkpapersTo assist users in understanding the transition process from Smart Workpapers to Active Workpapers and address common questions.
Worksheets not Showing on the Index SheetIf the rates tabs have been hidden, the worksheets will not appear on the Index sheet when added. We would suggest that the rates...
How to troubleshoot: ArgumentException Error in Smart Workpapers
How to troubleshoot 'Reference isn't valid' and Broken Formulae in Smart WorkpapersThis article aims to help users troubleshoot error message 'Reference isn't valid' and other formula errors #NULL!, #VALUE!, #REF! or #NAME!
How to troubleshoot 'We're having a bit of trouble connecting you to Workpapers' when accessing Smart WorkpapersTo Assist users with resolving error 'We're having a bit of trouble connecting you to Workpapers' when logging in to Smart Workpapers
Workpaper Starter Files - Hidden WorksheetsA starter file has many hidden sheets with different purposes as outlined below: Hidden Worksheet Purpose Required in every...
Workpaper Template Xero Data 'Get' Requests Named RangesThe Smart Workpapers Add-In has built-in 'Get' and 'Set' functionality, which allows a worksheet to Get data from the connected Xero...