Issue: Users may sometimes encounter a discrepancy between the balances of debtors and creditors in Active compared to the corresponding aged payable/receivable reports in their source file.
Cause: The causes of this issue can vary as outlined below:
Resolution/Troubleshooting checklist:
1. Open your binder and navigate to Settings > Binder Details. Verify that the dates on the binder align with the desired dates for creditor/debtor reports in your source file.
2. Additionally, in Settings > Edit Columns, ensure that the primary column dates also align with the creditor/debtor reports in your source file.
3. Refresh your trial balance in Active by clicking "Reimport" on the trial balance screen. Subsequently, open the debtor/creditor workpaper, press the (i) icon next to the debtor/creditors workpaper in the side panel, scroll down, and click "Execute."
If the issue persists, identify one debtor/creditor with an incorrect balance and run an aged payable/aged receivable report in the source file (e.g. in Xero/MYOB). Examine the out-of-balance amount between both platforms (e.g., if the debtor/creditor is off by $200); look for individual transactions of this value or transactions that sum up to this value for this debtor/creditor.
Reasons for Out of Balance:
1- use of FX transactions which is currently logged as a bug.
2- use of prepaid transactions (payment on invoice is in the current FY and invoice date is in the next FY)
3- use of post paid transactios (invoice is in the previous FY, payment is in the current FY)
****If scenario number 2 or 3 applies, then this is the software working as intended hoping to flag these discrepancies for the user to fix in their source file.