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What can be used for two factor authentication? We recommend downloading a two-factor authenticator app like Microsoft...

Updated over 4 months ago

What can be used for two factor authentication?

We recommend downloading a two-factor authenticator app like Microsoft Authenticator for Windows Phone, Android and iOS or Google Authenticator for Android and iOS.

Can I use email instead of mobile for authentication?

No. Two factor authentication is mandatory via a secondary device under current security best practice guidelines.

How long will my two factor authentication last?

With the two factor authentication you have the option to save for 30 days on the device you are on.

How often do I need to login?

While you can save two factor authentication for 30 days, you will be required to login back in with your account every 24 hours to any websites or applications. The Smart Workpapers add-in will require you to login every 30 days.

Can I sign into all Business Fitness products with my Business Fitness Identity?

Yes, all products currently use a Business Fitness Identity.

Creating your Business Fitness Identity

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