Issue: When clients attempt to create a binder and use the rollover option to roll over a binder from a previous year, they encounter the following error: 'The supplied file does not contain a workpaper Id.
Cause: Due to an Active binder created from a Smart workpaper file.
(An Active binder contains a 'Binder_Properties' hidden sheet, while a Smart workpaper starter file contains an 'HNSW_Properties' hidden sheet. If a binder includes both, it can cause this error.)
1- Confirm that the binder being rolled over is accessible in Active and open it in Excel.
2- Enable Developer tools ribbon > and click on View Code > Make the 'HNSW_Properties' very hidden sheet visible.
3- locate the 'HNSW_Properties' sheet, and check the Workpaper ID cell. If it's blank, delete the sheet, save, and close the Excel file. Then attempt to roll over the binder again.