Issue: Users may create custom headers, but these headers may fail to display their sub-account groupings in some cases.
Cause: Sub-accounts are not properly indented under their parent custom header.
Here are two examples, one that works and one that doesn't:
1- There is no indentation between the (lead schedule) custom header and its sub-account:
It will not show the (lead schedule) custom header on the index page (unless you tick "show nil balances").
2- In this case, the sub-account 101 is indented under the (lead schedule) custom header:
It will now show on the index page with the total row and the sub-account under the custom header.
Workaround/Resolution: Check that any sub-accounts added to the custom header account are properly indented, after you've dragged the accounts as close to under the lead schedule header as possible.
Test with ticking the nil balance filter on the trial balance screen to gauge what modifications are needed if the issue persists.