Issue: Users may report that their Smart Workpapers (SWP) add-in experiences frequent dropouts, requiring them to enable or reinstall it daily.
Cause: Although frequent/daily dropouts of the SWP add-in can be influenced by various environmental factors (such as security programs, antivirus software, firewall settings, and file backup programs), we have found that removing older versions of the add-in also helps in resolving this issue.
Resolution: Check the %localappdata%\Business Fitness\Smart Workpapers folder for any older versions of the SWP add-in.
If you find them, uninstall the SWP add-in from the control panel and remove any folders in the above specified location. Then, install a fresh copy of the add-in. This process will ensure there is no conflict with the SWP add-in.
If the issue persists, refer to the following help article for additional troubleshooting steps: