Issue: When users view a BAS lodgement GST reconciliation workpaper, they encounter the term #SPILL! in several fields instead of actual figures from the ATO.
Cause: Original BAS lodgements are conflicting with the Amended BAS figures lodged for the same period.
Resolution: To address this issue, review the ATO data feed section in the workpaper and remove the original/incorrect BAS lodgement line.
If the issue persists, try removing and re-adding the J50 and J51 workpapers and ensure you are using a compatible version of Excel.
Additional Resolutions:
Ensure excel version is supported and up to date
delete and readd sheet
delete and readd home sheet (hidden sheet)
if issue persists, look for and delete these incorrect named ranges that can cause a conflict:
the correct named ranges should look like this instead:
If unsure which BAS named ranges to delete. Delete both J50 and J51 sheets > Open Name Manager under Formulas in Excel > Delete all named ranges that begin with BAS.