Issue: Users may experience problems opening their workbook or loading the side pane when their Excel binder exceeds 100MB in size.
1- Error when opening the binder in Excel Online:
2- Spinning Circle/Error loading addin/side pane:
Cause: SharePoint and Active add-in limitations.
If the binder/excel workbook exceeds 100MB in size, it is too large for SharePoint and our add-in to reasonably handle.
To revert the user to a previous version of the binder that is under 100MB:
1. Open the workbook in Excel and save a copy as a backup.
2. Open a fresh copy of the binder in Excel, navigate to File > Info, and select 'Open file location.'
3. This action should open a new browser window with the SharePoint location. Click the three dots next to the file and access version history.
4. Select an older version of the workbook that is under 100MB. Once opened, follow the on-screen prompts to restore this previous version of the workbook. Ensure the add-in is functioning properly.
Advise the user to avoid any actions that might drastically increase the file size, such as inserting large reports into their notes/hyperlinks sections.
Additionally, recommend removing any large inserts before working on the file to keep it under 100MB.