Users are unable to access starter files in Smart Workpapers, with the workpaper list not loading despite active accounts.
Missing license component modules for the firm or location prevent the starter files from displaying.
Resolution Steps:
Check Subscriptions in Central
In Central, go to the Subscriptions menu for the firm.
Verify that the following modules are present:
Full Compliance Suite
Connected Workpapers
Connected SMSF Workpapers (Class or BGL)
Add Missing Modules
If any modules are missing, click Add Feature to re-add them.
Changes may take up to 10 minutes to take effect.
Important: Always check with our administrator or the customer’s account manager before making any changes to a firm’s license components.
Check Specific Locations (for Larger Firms)
For larger firms, ensure that the correct license modules are assigned to specific locations.
Confirm Starter Files
Verify if the starter files have populated for all users after the updates.