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Records Catalogue
Updated over 3 months ago

If the Record Management module is installed, HowNow has the ability to catalogue all of the record files from existing folder structures into the Records database in one operation.

Note: This should only be done in conjunction with the HowNow support team.

The following criteria must be met for records to be catalogued successfully:

  1. The folder structure containing the record files to be catalogued must consist of a folder with a name that uniquely identifies the contact, user or administration area. Below this folder must be one or more folders that identify the location and, optionally, one or more sub-locations. If this not the case, HowNow has tools that may assist in restructuring the folders so that cataloguing can proceed.

  2. The Record Locations definitions in HowNow must match the folder structure of the records to be catalogued. See Administration > Records > Record Locations. Note that the Consolidate To option can consolidate low-level folders into upper level folders automatically.

  3. The record folder structure has been ‘verified’ by using the Verify Record File Structure Only option.

To Catalogue existing Records:

  1. Select Records > CatalogueExisting.

  2. In the Destination field, select the type of record to be catalogued, Clients, Employees or Administration.

  3. In the Existing Record Path field, browse to the location of the records to be catalogued.
    Note: This path cannot be the same as the Destination Path.

  4. Import Single Contact Only. Check this only box if you wish to import records for a single contact.

    • In the Path to Contact Folder field, browse to the folder that identifies the contact to be catalogued and click Open.

    • See Pause on all locations (on the Destination Tab) if only some of the locations of the selected contact are to be catalogued.

  5. Includes Single Character Index Folder specifies that the record path includes a single character folder that is used to catalogue records alphabetically.

  6. Ignore Unallocated Record Files instructs HowNow to not report unallocated record files in the error log when doing a test catalogue. These files will be automatically moved to a General folder during the catalogue process.

  7. Level 31 Folder Structure tells HowNow that it is cataloguing Level 31 (MYOB Document Manager) files and to cater for folder names containing a tilde and to a group structure

  8. Single or Multi-Path Contact Identifier Details. This section specifies the field or fields in the contact database that correspond to the name of the folder that uniquely identifies the contact, and, if there is more than one field, which part of the folder name it represents.

    • Enabled. Check this box to enable this type of structure.

    • Field Name. Use the drop-down list to select which field name is the unique identifier of the contact. This is usually CLIENTCODE or ENTITYNAME.

    • FieldMask. In the case where the contact identifier folder name consists of more than one field, the mask specifies how to extract the specific data needed. A mask consists of:
      A % (percent) character before or after a delimiter character or characters. This tells HowNow to delete characters after and including the specified delimiter character or characters or up and including the specified delimiter character or characters. Any resulting spaces at the beginning or end of the remaining text are removed.
      Note: A semicolon (;) can be used to separate multiple masks.
      One or more # (hash) characters. This tells HowNow to delete the corresponding character from the location name.

      Examples: Contact identifier folder name = ABC Company (entity name only),
      Field Name = ENTITYNAME, Field Mask = blank (unused).

      ABCCOM ABC Company (6 character client code, space, entity name),
      Field Name = CLIENTCODE, Field Mask = ######.

      ABC01 - ABC Company (variable length client code, space, dash, space, entity name),
      Field Name = CLIENTCODE, Field Mask = ‘%-‘ (percent dash).

      ABC01 - ABC Company (variable length client code, space, dash, space, entity name),
      Field Name = ENTITYNAME, Field Mask = '-%' (dash percent).

  9. Grouped Contact Identifier Details. This section specifies the fields in the contact database that uniquely identify the contact when there is a folder structure consisting of a ‘group’ folder followed by an identifier folder.

    • Enabled. Check this box to enable this type of structure.

    • Field List. Check the fields that, together, uniquely identify the contact.

      Example: Contact identifier folders = Smith (the group name)

      leftleft |

      leftleft L ABC Company (the entity name)

      Check the GroupName and EntityName fields.

  10. The Destination Path field shows the path to the location where HowNow expects the catalogued records to be located. Check that this path is correct before proceeding.

  11. Pause on all locations is used in conjunction with Import Single Contact Only. It is used if only some of the locations of the selected contact are to be catalogued.

  12. Use Ignore List tells HowNow to ignore (or only catalogue) any files or sub-location folders found in the ignore list. The location mask is applied to the folder name before the ignore list is checked. This list is remembered and is also used when HowNow performs a data integrity check.

    1. Reverse List - Reverses the ignore list. Only files and folders on the ignore list are catalogued.

    2. Log Ignored - lists ignored files and folders in the log.

  13. Consolidate To is used to set a consolidation level and supply an optional location name. All record files found below this level are saved to this level. Level 1 is defined as the first level below the contact identifier folder. Level 2 is the second level below the contact identifier folder and so on.
    For example, if the consolidation level is set to Level 1 and record files are found on the path ...\Contacts\ABC Company\2007\Correspondence\Word Documents, they will be saved to ...\Contacts\ABC Company\2007.
    Note: the location specified in Location Name must exist in Record Locations.

  14. Location Mask is used when folders describing locations containing more information than just the location name.
    A % (percent) character before or after a delimiter character or characters. This tells HowNow to delete characters after and including the specified delimiter character or characters or up and including the specified delimiter character or characters. Any resulting spaces at the beginning or end of the remaining text are removed.
    Note: A semicolon (;) can be used to separate multiple masks.
    One or more # (hash) characters. This tells HowNow to delete the corresponding character from the location name.

  15. Create HowNow Data Records. Use this option to create a HowNow data record when an accounting data file (.myo, .qbw, etc) is encountered. HowNow can create data records 'on-the-fly' from accounting application data files if the applications are defined in Toolbar Applications. HowNow checks each file against the Application Toolbar's list of file extensions and, if one matches, creates the appropriate data record. See Data Record Management for more details.

  16. Skip Invalid Contact Folders. This option instructs HowNow to ignore any contact folders that do not match an entry in the contact database.
    Note: Use this option with caution; files may not be catalogued simply because the contact folder is misspelled.

  17. Delete all record profiles for the selected destination before starting import. Check this box if you wish to remove all the existing records for the selected destination from the HowNow database before starting the load. Use this option if records need to be reloaded for some reason.
    Note: Deleting the records does not delete files in the file system! This has to be done manually via Windows Explorer.

  18. Ignore Records Already Catalogued. This option instructs HowNow to ignore any files that have already been catalogued. A catalogued file has a record number appended and it has a valid entry in the HowNow database. This option is mainly used to catalogue files that have been accidentally dropped into the file system manually.

  19. Verify Record File Structure Only. Check this box to test the record folder structure for consistency. Any errors found are listed on the Log tab and can be printed as a report.

  20. Log Verified/Catalogued Records. Check this box to log the names of every record verified or catalogued.

  21. Click Catalogue to start loading records.

  22. If a contact is not found in the database, a Contact Folder Details dialog will be displayed. The options are:
    Select a new contact – a dialog is displayed to allow the selection of a different contact.
    Skip the folder and do not catalogue its contents.
    Stop cataloguing records.

  23. If a location folder name is not found in the Record Locations database (or the Pause on all locations checkbox is checked), a Location Folder Details dialog will be displayed. The options are:
    Create a new location from this folder.
    Skip the folder and do not catalogue its contents.
    Stop cataloguing records.

    Do not show this dialog again - Only available if Create a new location from this folder is selected above - continues the catalogue with that setting and doesn't show the dialog again.

Log Tab

This tab shows what is happening when the record cataloguer is running.

Temporary Locations Tab

This tab creates a temporary, blank, folder structure to which files can be copied manually when the existing structure is inconsistent.

  • Area - select the type of record structure to be created.

  • Path to Temporary Records Folder - the location of the temporary folder structure.

  • Create Button - creates the empty folders.

Special Tab

This tab is used to create a new file structure when the existing folder structure is inconsistent or the only contact or location information is contained within the file name. The Log Tab records details of the copied files.

The new file structure can then be catalogued using the normal process.

  • Source - the path to the old file structure.

  • Temporary Destination - the path to where the new, temporary, file system is to be constructed.

  • Copy Files Using Client Code in File Name - check this option if the contact information is contained within the file name.

    • File Mask - the mask allows HowNow to extract the client code from the file name. A mask consists of:
      A % (percent) character before or after a delimiter character or characters. This tells HowNow to delete characters up to or from the specified delimiter character or characters.
      One or more # (hash) characters. This tells HowNow to delete the corresponding character from the location name.

    • Location - specifies the name of the location or matter folder to be used.
      Note: if the location specified is or includes the symbol [Year], HowNow will replace it with year of the modified date of the record file. For example 'Pre-records\[Year]' will create a Pre-records folder with years underneath it.

    • Copy Files by Folder With Conversion - Check this option to correct inconsistencies in the folder structure.

      • Conversion List - enter a list of folders to be converted. The format is Old Folder Name=New Folder Name.
        For example, to remove the folder PCA, enter 'PCA\='. To move the folder CORRESPONDENCE to a level below the group code level folder, enter 'CORRESPONDENCE=[GROUPCODE]\CORRESPONDENCE'. To change a folder name from CURRENT to OLD, enter 'CURRENT=OLD'.

      • Group Level - specifies the level of the group code for use in the conversion list.

    • Verify Only - specifies that only a verify is to be performed - no files are copied.

    • Process Button - starts the copy or verify process.

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