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Data Integrity Check
Updated over 3 months ago

The HowNow Data Integrity Check module is a support tool used to check the HowNow database for inconsistencies. This tool should be used with the assistance of the HowNow Support Team.

Note: A complete backup of the HowNow database and all associated files must be taken before any repairs are attempted!

Definition: A Profile is a collection of metadata about an entry in HowNow. The Profile specifies the entry’s Title, Description, and other attributes depending on the type of entry. The Data Integrity Check has three sections, Knowledge, Records and Contacts.


This section has three phases. Any errors found in each phase are displayed on screen and and can be stored to a file or printed. The first phase checks every knowledge profile in the database to ensure that the document it references actually exists. The second phase checks that every document in the Content folder has a profile in the HowNow Knowledge database and that there are no duplicates (two or more profiles referencing the same document). The third phase checks that the document modified date stored in the profile matches the document's modified date. Any inconsistencies are automatically fixed.

Repair Options

  • Delete Unindexed Documents- permanently deletes any documents in the content folder that do not have a profile in the database.

  • Update Index Statistics - improves search performance on large databases.


This section has 5 optional phases. Any errors found in each phase are displayed on screen and can be stored to a file or printed.

  1. Check all Record Files are Profiled. (On by default)
    Checks that all record files in the records file system have a profile in the records database.
    Group by Contact - groups any logged errors by contact.
    Use Ignore List - ignores any record folders or files listed in the Ignore List.
    Start Path - Allows a starting path to be specified.

    Repair Options
    Recover Unindexed Files - if the file has a record number appended to it's name, the system attempts to find the missing profile. If this fails, the file must be re-catalogued.
    Note: if a profile exists, the file will be moved to the location specified by the profile.

  2. Check all Profiled Record Files Exist. (On by default)
    Checks every record profile in the database to ensure that the record file it references actually exists.
    Group by Contact - groups any logged errors by contact.
    Repair Options
    Remove Profile when record not found - deletes the profile in the database if the record file is not found.
    Fix Record Path Errors - recreates the file path using the location and contact details stored in the profile and attempts to find the file using the new path.

  3. Check Record Locations.
    Checks that the record file path stored in the profile matches the location and contact details of the record file.

    Repair Options
    Fix Record Location Using Path - recreates the location and contact details stored in the profile using the file's path.
    Fix Record Path Using Location - recreates the file path stored in the profile using the location details stored in the profile.
    Fix Record Contact ID Using Path - recreates the contact details stored in the profile using the file's path.
    Fix Record Path Using Contact ID - recreates the file path details stored in the profile using the contact's details.
    Fix Record Contact ID Using Contact Name - recreates the contact details stored in the profile using the contact name.
    Fix Record Contact Name Using Contact ID - recreates the contact name using the contact details stored in the profile.

  4. Check for Duplicate Records.
    Checks that each record file is only referenced by one profile.

    Repair Options
    Remove duplicate records or files - removes any duplicated record files found.

  5. Check for Duplicate Contact Folders.
    Checks that there is only one contact folder for each contact's record files

    Repair Options
    Fix Duplicate Contact Folders - moves any record files found in duplicate contact folders to the correct contact.

Update Index Statistics - improves search performance on large databases.


This section checks the contacts database for duplicates caused by a change of contact identifier such as the contact's name or client code. Any errors found in each phase are displayed on screen and can be stored to a file or printed.

Repair Options
Update Database - saves any changes made to the contacts database.

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