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Records - MYOB Data Records Compatibility
Records - MYOB Data Records Compatibility

Data records in HowNow work by allowing a user to add a MYOB (or other software) data file to the system and then select the...

Updated over 4 months ago

Data records in HowNow work by allowing a user to add a MYOB (or other software) data file to the system and then select the application that should open the file. When a user attempts to open a data record from HowNow it builds a windows command line to open the relevant application and to pass it the files.

e.g. ‘ “C:\MYOB19\myobp.exe” “D:\Records\Clients\ABC123\2016\ABC_Company.myox”

More recently (vers 19.13 onward), MYOB’s software changes have meant users must access files directly through the MYOB applications. We have discussed the resulting integration hindrances with MYOB, however since their command line has been disabled, this traditional function is no longer available to other applications.

Information on exactly why command line arguments have been disabled, would need to be discussed directly with MYOB.

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