New BFIdentity Changes
Users can have an old Password using the old Add-in (only until end of September) and a new Password using the Website
Smart Workpapers invites can still be viewed in Sendgrid
Auto-Update of old Add-ins.
- Autoupdates
- Doesn't autoupdate
- Doesn't autoupdate
Inactive users can still get past Auth as BFIdentity doesn't recognise Active/Inactive - but are unable to log into SWP
Old invites can be resent
Use BF.Identity signal in SEQ -,signal-589
If a user needs their 2FA reset then only a dev can do it - log a ticket and notify Paula
Firms that use one userid will call because they can't all use the same 2FA - Licensing will need to be changed
An inactive user who is trying to log in will just get an eternal 'Processing Login' including navigating from an invite.
When a user clicks on the Business Fitness logo after resetting a password they navigate to Identity not SWP
Users with Expired Invites will be valid again for 7 days
Outstanding tickets