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Records - Record Profiles
Updated over 4 months ago

Edit Record Profiles

To edit a Record Profile right-click on a Record in the Search Results list and then select Profile. The Edit Record Profile Wizard appears. Note: 'Final' and 'Archived' records cannot be edited, with the exception of the Description, Key Words and Status. For non-final records, these areas can be edited:

Profile Tab

  • Title – the title of the Record.

  • Description and Key Words. Use these fields to edit the record description and and add or edit key words.

  • Date Added - system generated on the date the record was added. This field is not editable.

  • Link - Use this field to link a record to other related records.

  • Partner, Manager, Reviewer, Preparer and Signatory – use these fields to set the applicable person for use as search and retrieval filters.

  • Status – Use this field to change the record’s status. Note: The list of available statuses is limited to the level specified in each person's profile.

  • In Use By - Indicates who is currently using the record. Click the Clear button to clear the 'Record is in use by...' message if it is not actually in use.

  • Record Deleted - indicates that the record has been deleted and is in the Recycle Bin.

  • File Info - Indicates size of the Record and that the file exists in storage.

Location Tab

  • Job - if the Workflow module is installed, select the appropriate job.

  • Area - choose the appropriate area to save the record.

  • If Contacts or Teams was chosen above, select a contact or employee from the drop-down list.

  • Choose the Location of the record.

Visibility Tab (if this feature is switched on)

This tab controls which teams are allowed to see a record. Tick the checkbox alongside the team or teams that need to see the record. Untick the checkbox alongside the team or teams that are not allowed to see the record.

Audit Trail

This tab displays a list of all the actions performed on a record such as created, opened, modified, etc. It is not editable.

Notes Tab

This area is for notes relating to the record. The Print button allows the notes to be printed. Note: use F3 to insert today's date and time into the text. Click OK to save your changes or Cancel to exit without saving.

Versions Tab

To Revert to an older version, or Delete a version choose the version you wish to revert, delete or open. When a user reverts to a previous version, the current document becomes it's own version and the version being reverted to becomes the current document. Documents with the status of Final are not able to be reverted or deleted. By default any data record added to HowNow will have record versioning disabled. Any record that has record versioning disabled can be enabled by opening the profile of a record and ticking version this record on the Versions Tab.

Edit Selected Record Profiles

This wizard allows bulk changes to be made to a range of record profiles in one operation.

  • Select a range of records in the search results list by either:

    • Clicking the first record, holding down the shift key and clicking the last item, or

    • Holding down the Ctrl key while selectively clicking records.

  • Right-click on any selected record in the Record Search Results list of HowNow and then select Profile Selection. The Edit Selected Record Profiles Wizard will appear.

  • The wizard welcome screen shows how many records will be affected by the process.

  • Click Next to continue. The Select Edit Fields dialog will appear.

  • Choose the field or fields to be edited by checking the boxes.

  • Click Next to continue. The Edit Fields dialog will appear.

  • Edit Fields. Only the fields selected in the Select Edit Fields step will be available for change. Note: in the case of some fields, attaching and removing these attributes from records can be done simultaneously.

  • Click Next to continue.

  • The notification screen will appear. Check that the fields being edited are correct and then click the Finish button to process the changes.

  • Note: If a attempt is made to change a record's location from one area to another (i.e. from a Contact area to an Admin area), a warning message will be displayed and the record will be skipped.

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